Leading the Future of GI disorders


WeiChangNing TM)

ShenZhen, Jun. 25, 2022Human regenerating family member 1 alpha (REG1A) is a secreted protein encoded by reg I gene. The matured REG1A protein, after N-terminal signal peptide is cut off, has 144 amino acids with a relative molecular weight of ~16KDa.This product is used to detect human regenerating family member 1 alpha (REG1A) in serum samples in vitro. This product is suitable for patients with obvious symptoms related to gastrointestinal (GI) diseases in the department of gastroenterology in the hospital. The t···

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REG1A [human regenerating family member 1 alpha (REG1A)] is a secreted protein encoded by ReG ⅰ gene. (Secreted protein is mainly synthesized by attached ribosomes. Protein secreted to the outer membrane), composed of 144 amino acids, the component of about 16kD; · It has been discovered from more than 25,000 genes and nearly 60,000 proteins in humans. When organic diseases occur in the gastrointestinal tract, it will be overexpressed ectopic in the gastrointestinal tissue and can be secreted into the blood. In addition, early basic studies showed that REG1A was related to cell proliferation and anti-apoptosis. · It is normally expressed mainly in pancreatic tissue in small amounts; · Prospective clinical studies with large sample size showed that REG1A was highly expressed in the lesion sites of gastroenteritis, intestinal adenomatous polyps and advanced precancerous adenomas, gastrointestinal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), peptic ulcer (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, compound ulcer) and pancreatic diseases; · The trade name of REG1A test kit is "WeiChangning ™". The whole process from raw materials to kit is self-produced, which is the first product in the world and has won the invention patent in China.

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